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myhELO Integration Services
IT Solutions -> myhELO Integration Services
Get the most out of myhELO - the free online patient registration portal.
myhELO is quickly becoming a great way for patients and providers to simplify the process of patient registration. For a small practice with a few forms, the process of setting up myhELO can be completed in less than an hour. For a larger organization with hundreds of doctors, the process is just as painless, but can take a little longer. ORS can help with the enrollment process for organizations that want a little help with the process.
For organizations that want to direclty import myhELO information directly into their PM or EHR, ORS can help with the integration. Being able to interface the myhELO registration data into your systems can virtually eliminate the registration and initial evaluation process, which can save lots of time and money.
Lastly, some organizations may need help figuring out how to incorporate their process to take full advantage of myhELO. myhELO Kiosk Mode allows organizations to install free regisrtation stations while myhELO Pay can get rid of your patient statements. If you need help getting these features up and running, let us know, we can help!
Find out more about myhELO for Providers at or contact ORS for additional information.