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Interface Server
PM / EHR Integration Solutions
Migration / Analysis Tools
myhELO Integration Services
IT Solutions -> PM/EHR Integration Solutions
System Integration and Flexibility
Two of the greatest limitations (and corresponding cost) of healthcare software solutions tend to be their lack of interoperability with other systems and flexibility with regard to client personalization. With ORS's technical expertise, we've gained access to the core of the PM System we provide, allowing us to add custom features for our clients (in mere hours) at little to no cost.
Interfacing: Creating a link between different systems to share data.
The primary reason healthcare providers interface systems is to eliminate the need of manually entering duplicated information across various systems. Interfacing lessens the need for manual intervention while enhancing the consistency of data between systems.
ORS integrates dissimilar systems by using its own interface engine.
  • Utilizing ORS's fuse Interface Server, we allow your PM or EMR System to communicate with many other systems including Other PMs/EMR/EHRs and HIS vendors.
  • In addition to HL7, ORS can accomodate a variety of other interface languages and protocols.
  • Connections can be brought up in as little as a few days in some cases.
Application Add-ons: Building new 'buttons' for your existing system.
Aside from a true system-to-system interface, ORS also assists in building additional front-end tools for existing systems. By leveraging a direct connection to a system's data storage, ORS can build almost any application tool for a client's custom needs.
  • The ORS App Store allows the clients to add a variety of bolt-on apps to their system according to their needs.
  • Apps created for one client become immediately available to the others by design.