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Not Just Billing, Revenue Cycle Solutions
Our core business has always been revenue cycle management. We do it every day, and we do it well! There always seem better ways to maximize revenue while minimizing cost; we'll help show you how.
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Provider Solutions Facility Solutions Consulting Solutions
Consulting Solutions -> Partnering with ORS:
Business Assessment - free of charge
Understanding the unique needs of a client is the first step to a successful project. In that vein, ORS believes in performing a multi-layered assessment of all areas affected by a change in technology/service.
This assessment has three key factors:
  1. - Process Understanding and Engineering
  2. - Client Customization
  3. - Benchmarking
Information for this assessment is acquired through a short site walkthrough and various non-invasive personnel interviews. This assessment is delivered to the client, full of recommendations and a negotiable implementation plan with timelines.