Revenue Cycle About Us Careers Support
Not Just Billing, Revenue Cycle Solutions
Our core business has always been revenue cycle management. We do it every day, and we do it well! There always seem better ways to maximize revenue while minimizing cost; we'll help show you how.
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Provider Solutions Facility Solutions Consulting Solutions
Facility Solutions Solutions -> Partnering with ORS:
The Difference
At ORS, we've combined a traditional business skilled in revenue cycle management some of the best healthcare engineering talent in the industry to create a powerful organization that is more than just a medical billing service. The combination of unique skill sets and technology make our mission set an attainable one -- lead better ideas, reduce waste of all kinds, improve organizational performance, and lower costs for everyone.
Our elevator pitch:
Better Performance for Better Costs - ORS results have produced a positive track record that beats the national industry average as evidenced by HARA (Hospital Accounts Receivable Analysis) for our clients in:
  • Days in receivables
  • Net Revenue Realization
  • Discarge receivables over 90 days
  • Bad Debts and Charity write-offs
at an equivalent or lower Cost to Collect (again, per HARA benchmarks).
ORS-Built Technology - No system solution is perfect; If it can be automated or simplified, we'll build the tool to do it. ORS's own suite of continually evolving plug-ins and tools help create the "Perfect System" so clients can better manage financials and improve the patient experience, while positively pulling the levers driving cost & revenue.
Customization without the Cost - Clients are not created equal; what works for one organization may not work for another. Recognizing this, ORS custom tailors its solutions to YOUR specific needs and circumstances... all without the "nickel and dime" fee structure.
Decision Intelligence - Organizational administrators make business decisions every day, most times with far-reaching implications. ORS provides real, tangible analysis, tools, and feedback that help getting those decisions right the first time.
Made (and worked) in the USA - We perform all functions, from IT to answering patient calls, in house here in the USA. We don't, nor will we ever, send our work (or your patient's data) overseas. Do you know where your data might be?