Revenue Cycle About Us Careers Support
Not Just Billing, Revenue Cycle Solutions
Our core business has always been revenue cycle management. We do it every day, and we do it well! There always seem better ways to maximize revenue while minimizing cost; we'll help show you how.
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Provider Solutions Facility Solutions Consulting Solutions
Facility Solutions Solutions -> Partnering with ORS:
ORS works as a true partner with its Facility Solutions clients. In the world of Facility billing, "outsourcing" usually doesn't work because billing can't be simply carved-off as an a la carte service. ORS Facility Services are designed to be integrated within the operational works of an organization.
From the Client's perspective, ORS acts as another department in the Hospital, fully integrated in the hierarchy, technology, and day-to-day. Having the technical expertise to link its tools up to the HIS allows ORS to wring out levels of granularity and efficiency your current billing department can't.
ORS has experience with many HIS vendors including: