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Not Just Billing, Revenue Cycle Solutions
Our core business has always been revenue cycle management. We do it every day, and we do it well! There always seem better ways to maximize revenue while minimizing cost; we'll help show you how.
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Technical Services -> Partnering with ORS:
System Integrations (HL7 and more) - making systems talk to each other
As technology becomes more complex, healthcare organizations face many challenges caused by inconsistent data sharing between systems. Getting these systems connected has traditionally been limited and expensive. To combat both, ORS built its own interface engine, fuse Interface Server. While it certainly handles HL7, it can connect systems using almost any variety of transport protocol and message format, including custom APIs.
The hardest part of sending data between multiple systems is not the programming, but rather the logic of managing the 'do this in system A when this happens in system B'. In short, this is called problem solving...and we love it. Having a complete engineering and development half to ORS gives us an advantage you won't find with any other revenue cycle company. Instead of just matching patients between systems, we understand how the workflow implications impact the various departments throughout the patient encounter.
We're a healthcare firm doing our own IT work; not the other way around.
For more information on fuse Interface Server, click here.
Included for free to all Revenue Cycle Clients