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Not Just Billing, Revenue Cycle Solutions
Our core business has always been revenue cycle management. We do it every day, and we do it well! There always seem better ways to maximize revenue while minimizing cost; we'll help show you how.
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Provider Solutions Facility Solutions Consulting Solutions
Provider Solutions -> Partnering with ORS:
Focused Reporting - get what you want without the ream of paper...
Along with the canned reporting package included in the Practice Management system, ORS has created its own suite of financial reports that maintain to be the top CEO/CFO-requested reports for their at-a-glance ease of understanding and drill-down functionality.
Spotlight: Per Provider Focus
Being able to monitor the health of a 200 provider practice while being able to tell each individual provider how their payer mix and volume has varied from last month to the current month usually means running lots of reports and then breaking out the spreadsheets. Try our interactive reports to find the answers you want without touching your keyboard.